Regular County Board Meeting
Thursday, August 17, 2023 6:30 P.M.
Gallatin County Courthouse
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
III. Financial Report
IV. Bills Payable
1. County Highway Bills
V. Committee Reports
VI. Old Business
1. County Highway Business – Justin Hastie, County Engineer
2. Electrical/Windows/Heating and Air Unit Update -Douglas Dyhrkopp, States Attorney
VII. New Business
1. Ambulance Bid Packet Approval
2. Removal of Robin Dunaway and Emilia Spivey from County Accounts, Deanna Bryant, County Clerk
3. Addition of Tracy Gabriel and Christy Stanford to County Accounts, Deanna Bryant, County Clerk
4. Grant Writer Contract
5. Southern 14 Workforce Development, Pam Barbee
VIII. Other
IX. Public Comment
X. Executive Session:
XI. Adjourn